About Our CEO

As the CEO of Herman Iç ve Diş Ticaret Limited, Mr Herman DEWENAM brings knowledge and vast experience that translates to the ease at which business is done in the organisation.

He is reponsible for overseeing all facets of the organisation, Mr Herman drives the vision, mission, operation and engagement with the board of directors.

He has been a part of different organisations in the past where he worked as a sales representive and electrical and electronics engineer which sprouted him up later for a promotion to head the whole sales department. After years of heading the department and making the highest profit for the organisation, he decided to build something of his own; Herman Iç ve Diş Ticaret Limited which as of today been able to generate over 200,000 dollars in revenue.

Our CEO, is a young and bright mind with an achievable big vision. He is passionate, hardworking and committed to his work and business. He has 7+ years experience in the trading and consultancy business.

Mr Herman is bachelor’s degree holder in Electricalcal and Electronic Engineering and graduated on the honour list . He also posseses Bachelor’s degree in Economics and a Master’s in Business Administration ! All in different universities . He enjoys playing football and hanging out with friends in his free time. He has from a litte age being an advocate to changing how  the world views doing business in Africa.